Summer is right around the corner, which means we have three beautiful months of barbecues and afternoons spent by the pool to look forward to. It also means you need to prepare your roof for the warm temperatures, blazing sun and summer storms. Taking some time to prep your roof for the new season can save you quite a bit of both time and money in the long run. Now is the perfect time to cross a few things off of your roof to-do list. Here are a few tips to follow to prepare your roof for the upcoming season... View Article
Your roof plays a crucial role in the wellbeing of your home. It is constantly working to protect both the home interior and your family from outside threats, including weather and a variety of other hazards. But, just like your air conditioner needs to have the filter replaced every so often, your roof needs regular maintenance from a residential roofer in Traverse City, MI to ensure optimal performance. Without it, the integrity of your roof can quickly become compromised, which will leave your family and home exposed. Hiring a professional roofing specialist for regular roof maintenance and repair will help... View Article
Like many homeowners, you’ve probably been putting off replacing your old or broken roof for months—if not years. Whether it’s due to finances or a lack of time, it’s common that a roof replacement will be put off until it’s absolutely necessary. But opting to replace your roof now may actually pay off in the long run. Spring is the perfect time to install a new roof. Opting to install a new roof will prevent leaks from spring showers from damaging your home, in addition to saving you quite a bit of money in the long run. Here are five... View Article
The snow is melting and the grass is turning green, which means spring is finally here. Spring cleaning is one of the best ways to start the season off on the right foot after a long, cold winter. One item you should add to your to-do list is spring roof repairs in Traverse City, MI. During the winter, heavy snowstorms and dangerous ice likely caused some damage—and the spring showers will only make matters worse. Taking care of any roof issues early in the season can help prevent a small problem from turning into a major repair. Here are five... View Article
If you live in a home that you plan on staying in for years to come, at some point you will have to decide between either having your roof repaired, or forgoing the repairs and investing in a new one. Here a few key things to consider when debating between repairing your current roof and installing a new roof in Traverse City, MI. The size and location of potential repairs If you have had your roof for a while, there are probably shingles that have been damaged due to extreme weathering, and others that have even blown away and are... View Article